

In the heart of Devon, in the quaint village of Sampford Peverell, an information board refers the curious tourist to a now demolished building that had once been known as “The Ghost House.” The scene of an early 19th century haunting that had shook the walls for several months, before falling to a curious silence, the history of the ghost house told the story of a terrifying haunting. Or did it? It seemed the house had more history to it than the new owners liked to admit.

Colton, C. (1810) Sampford Ghost, A Plain & Authentic Narrative. T. Smith, Tiverton, UK.

Colton, C. (1810) Sampford Ghost, Stubborn Facts Against Vague Assertions. T. Smith, Tiverton, UK.

Marriott, John (1810) Sampford Ghost!!! I, Norris, Taunton, UK.

York Herald (1810) Sampford Ghost. York Herald, Sat 01 Sep 1810, p2. York, UK.

The Morning Chronicle (1810) Tale of Mystery. The Morning Chronicle, Thur 2 Aug 1810, p2. London, UK.

Law, Susan C. (2023) The Dark Side of the Cut. The History Press, Gloucestershire, UK.

Bristol Times & Mirror (1811) Alarming Riot at Sampford Peverell. Bristol Times & Mirror, p2, Bristol, UK.

Salisbury & Winchester Journal (1811) Salisbury. Salisbury & Winchester Journal, Mon 6 May 1811, p4. Salisbury, UK.

Harding, William (1845) The HIstory of Tiverton Vol. I. UK.

Dent, Susie (2012) Brewers Dictionary of Phrase & Fable 19th Edition. Chambers Harrap Publishers. UK

Davies, Owen (2007) The Haunted: A Social History of Ghosts. Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK.

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